
Emperor Penguin

General | Personality | History | Trivia | Relationships


Name: Maeve
Parasite Species: Emperor Penguin
Age: 27
Height: 6’0’’
Gender/Pronouns: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bi
Occupation: Tailor


Reserved, Diligent, Approachable
Quiet, Overcritical, Pacific

Maeve is an approachable individual, happy to help you any way he can. He is a hard diligent worker who rarely procrastinates when there is work to be done. While diligent, Maeve is also very ambitious and success driven. He is always determined to please his peers no matter how small the task is.

He is overcritical. Although it may not look like it, Maeve actually holds many grudges and is quick to judge others. Despite this, he does believe in second chances.. so these grudges don’t last forever. Because of this he tends to be on the quiet side, not really speaking unless necessary or approached by someone. He is a pacifist and tries his best not to get involved in disputes or someones bad side.


Maeve grew up in a family of tailors. Their tailoring business was family run and was passed down to members of the family. Growing up, he was exposed to the industry and was trained at a young age in preparation for taking over the business.

Although Maeve had a few theories, he was unsure of exactly how he contracted the parasite.

At first he felt uncomfortable sitting down— a tail was sprouting. Gradually feathers started appearing, starting with his back and tail and his feet became more webbed-like. Because of the thought he pulled his back or something, he never really turned around to see what was really happening to him. It was until someone noticed something sticking out from Maeve’s neck and pulled it out only to discover that it was a feather, that he finally realized the changes.

The more his feathers and tail developed, the more difficult it was to conceal them. He hated the attention he got from it. Some thought of it as ‘disgusting’ as the feathers first appeared in random splotches around his body. Eventually his parents took notice. Their first thoughts after seeing him was of worry if this condition would shed a bad light on the company. Hearing this, Maeve was shocked. he didn’t want to ruin the family’s efforts in maintaining the business. As a result, he conducted research on the topic. Through this, he caught word of a monastery, Ecclsia with others like him. Unsure if this community existed, he ran off on his own to look for it. It was the best for his family and their business after all…


The cold When people pluck/touch his feathers
Rainy or stormy daysTouchy people
SeafoodHis hair in his eyes
  • Takes ice cold baths/showers

  • Never gets brain freeze

  • Has webbed feet. Hates the appearance of them and wears shoes to hide them.. bc he can

  • Speaks French and English fluently

  • Has 2 younger sisters

  • Very ticklish

  • Ties his hair up and out of his eyes